Meet Jess of Jemstone

I set out on my healing journey nearly 10 years ago and it has transformed me into the conscious, intuitive being I am today. As an empath and highly sensitive person, I have always felt energies and have a strong intuition.

During my spiritual awakening in 2019, I discovered that I’m claircognizant, a lightworker and a healer: I am able to spread light. What does this mean? Through Reiki healing, I am able to transmute universal light energy to others in a healing nature.

I began doing energy work in 2020 and taught myself how to perform in-person and remote healings. After seeing the results, I went into official Usui Reiki training. 

I graduated with my Reiki Level I & II certifications from Reiki City in San Diego in the summer of 2022, and now combine my personal intuitive healing modality with the historic Reiki practice to bring you a one-of-a-kind healing experience. 

By working with me, you may experience: 

  • A calming effect where you feel lighter, less dense​, or grounded

  • An uncovering of the limiting beliefs that may impede your growth

  • An enlightened sense of direction; a path to uncovering clarity

  • The tools necessary to manage your emotional, mental, spiritual, or energetic blockages

  • A stronger connection to your best, highest self​​

The path to healing is not linear, but we can walk it together. The light in me honors the light in you.

We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.

More About Reiki

Reiki is an ancient Japanese method of healing with Buddhist roots.

Practitioners typically go into a meditative state, set an intention, and use universal energy to clear heavy energy blocks from your mind, body, and spirit.

It’s a holistic approach to healing and self-care that compliments other modes of healing like talk therapy. If you love yoga, meditation, breath work, crystals, acupuncture, and self discovery, you will love reiki.

Reiki is cleansing for the soul and includes an intuitive reading that helps you work through the distress of the heart and spirit. Note: there is nothing witchy or religious about reiki.

It is a great way to create a fresh start for yourself or set your intentions to release what no longer serves you and find clarity to align with the best version of yourself.

Think of reiki as therapy for your spirit. It helps you become free from things like heartache, ancestral pain, or anxieties. But remember, it’s best to enter into your session with an open mind and open heart.

Feel free to ask questions anytime!